Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Vacation Mode :)

TV series yang paling popular 10 years ago..

Insha Allah..this coming October, will be there... meet Jun Sang & Yujin.. Holiday mode is ON secara tiba2...

Everything is done...Flight ticket, guesthouse, budget, maps, own itinerary, foods etc... All information in our travel book after doing some research about Korea in this 3 months and sometimes sampai 2am... tesis master pun tak semangat camnih hokay...

So, it will be my annual personal trip for 2013 before freeze holiday on 2014. Next year must focus on thesis, freeze holiday but maybe Sabah or Vietnam will be my choice for freezing holiday year.. Is it call 'freeze'?? Its my fren question actually..

Also mentioned to my Chinese fren, in our religion, we must travel to see Allah's creation. And it will be my big reason or maybe excuse to my mum...untuk mengelakkan kemarahan.. ngeh3..

And.......this year...besday....Korea....Autumn.... Foliage......


Sunday, 8 September 2013

True OR False??

Bila baca gambar ni, aku try understand diri sendiri sebenarnya. And I realized, last two months the no.2 happened. But its slowly getting better. Alhamdulillah.....:)

Friday, 6 September 2013

Indah Dewi Pertiwi - Di Atas Satu Cinta

Ya Rabbana, jika aku jatuh hati,
jagalah hatiku padanya agar tidak
berpaling dari hati-Mu.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Ups & Downs...

Kesenangan dan Kesusahan.
Kedua-duanya mempuyai makna yang mendalam. 
Apa yang pasti, ianya bermula dari pemikiran kita. Jika fikiran kita positif terhadap sesuatu perkara itu, maka kesenangan yang akan kita rasakan. Titik permulaanya adalah dari hati yang akan bertindak menghantar signal pada otak dan akan mempengaruhi perasaan.

Terbitnya idea untuk entry ini bila perasaan 'Ups and Downs' melanda.. Its not very easy to handle when we need to focus so many things in a time. Seriously, u will think, think and think without action. Life become blur and blur. The best thing is, BE ALONE. Think and plan in a peaceful place. Then, you will see, u actually have plan but u stuck in the 'Ups and Downs' feeling. It will become worst if you just keep it that way.

BUT in ur plan, please remember Allah. I still remember this;
'Allah akan letakkan kita dalam sesuatu kesusahan kerana kita layak untuk melalui dugaan itu. Hanya Dia Yang Maha Mengetahui'.

Don't ever give up.. Even kita terpaksa melepaskan sesuatu yang disayangi. Allah akan gantikan yang lebih baik. In Sha Allah..

After struggle with 'Ups and Downs' feeling. Now, I've found a quote:
"You will see everything easy when u are happy but u will see everything difficult when u are sad".

So, be happy. Back to Allah. He plan everything for me and for us... 


Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Why this name?

1st entry after sign up...huh, tersangat la panjang gap itu.
Why MOCHAKUNIYA? of favourite coffee.. from a book store at KLCC named Kinokuniya. One of a peaceful place. Seeing books and KLCC park view from upstairs. But not really high laaa..

Terasa sangat la tak matang sume ayat2ku itu.. Since its a very long time tak menulis. Last esei time SPM. 9 years ago...sriusly my language is getting bad...hukhuk.. English mmg dah teruk.. Bahasa pn makin teruk.. apakah?? apakah?? It become worst when I choose accounting as my lovey dovey career...everyday with numbersssss!!! So, after this, akan ada entry pasal bahasaku ini yang makin teruk..huhu..